Contact Stephen Sherrard
BEFORE you submit this form, please pay attention to the following, or your email will be ignored/deleted.
- • Do NOT use this form for support issues with the free PTA plugins (Volunteer Signup Sheets, Member Directory). Please use the support forum for the appropriate plugin for support issues for those.
- • Do NOT use this form to ask me "can the plugin do ____?" types of questions, unless it's a pre-sales question for one of my paid plugins. Everything the plugins can do can be found on the docs page for the plugin. If it's not there, then the plugin doesn't do what you want, and you can post it in the feature request section of the forums on this site, or submit is as a feature request with this form (if you don't have an account on my site), or you can contact me to find out what it would cost to add that feature for you.
- • Please DO read the documentation first!
- • Please DO try the demo site for any of my WooCommerce extensions
- • Please DO check the support forums first, either here for the paid plugins, or at for the free plugins!
- • Please DO use the support forums for support issues regarding paid plugins, so that others can benefit from previous issues and their resolution.
- • PLEASE respect my time! I'm a one person operation, and I don't have the time to maintain all of my plugins while still answering questions for things that have been asked before many times, or that don't meet these guidelines. If you can't find the time to read the documentation and support forums, then please don't waste my time either! I will simply not bother to answer any more.
Otherwise, contact me if you have questions or issues with any of my plugins not covered by the above, or need help with some custom WordPress programming or web site design.
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