This is an extension for the PTA Member Directory & Contact Form plugin.
It requires version 1.3.6 or later of the PTA Member Directory & Contact Form plugin.
This plugin adds a “Customizer” sub-menu page to the PTA Member Directory section of your WordPress dashboard. The Customizer page has a text input filed for every text string that is displayed on the public side of the PTA Member Directory and its included Contact Form. Simply type in the replacement text you want to use for any of the text you want to change, and leave the rest of them blank to use the defaults. Default text strings are shown for each field so you can quickly identify the text you want to change.
Much easier to use for modifying text without modifying the actual plugin (which would wipe out your changes any time you updated the plugin), or using translation methods.
Detailed help is added to the help tab for the PTA Member Directory plugin, and this plugin extension is translation ready.
Version 1.2 adds a “disable output” checkbox for each text string, which, when checked, will return an empty string for that particular text string. This may be preferable to using the non-breaking space method to remove text previously (although that can still be used).
Partial Screenshots of Customizer Admin form:
A basic addition to the great PTA Members Directory. Nice to tweak labels and such without diving into code.
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