This plugin lets you set up and define any number of volunteer custom fields for the Volunteer Sign Up Sheets plugin. The fields can be used for Sheets, Tasks, or Signup Templates. When used in sheets and/or tasks, those fields can be used by the admin, or signup sheet manager, to add additional info to sheets and/or tasks, that will be shown in the associated tables to the public. For example, you could add a field named “Location” and make it a select box field, and define all the locations you normally use for your sheets (events) or tasks. Then, if you assigned that field to be used on sheets, whenever you create or edit a sheet, you will see that dropdown select box with the locations you defined, and you can then select and save a location for that sheet (event). On the front end, in the main list of sheets, you would then see an additional column with “Location” as the heading, and the locations that you saved for each sheet in their respective rows.
To use Custom Fields to create additional form fields for signup forms, where volunteers can enter additional information when signing up, you create one, or more, Signup Templates. For each template, you can assign custom fields that you have created, and then decide if those fields should be Required when a volunteer signs up, or if they should be Admin Only fields, and if the info saved in those fields should be shown to the public on the list of signups. Admin Only fields can be used for things that you, or a signup sheet manager, might want to track for each user that signs up, such as number of hours that person worked, for example. Admin users can enter that info on the Add/Edit signup page in the admin dashboard, or they can use the public side “live search” feature that allows admin to search for and signup volunteers/users for a task.
Custom Fields fully integrates with the new DataTables display of signups in the admin dashboard, and thus can be exported or printed along with all the other data, if desired.
Please see the documentation page for complete details on how this extension works.
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I use the Sign Up Sheets for the organization I am working for and this plugin especially this extension makes my life much easier. With the Custom Fields the whole Plugin is now what we needed for so long!
Thanks for developing this great tools and of course for great support ! 🙂
We use VSUS for something other than volunteer shift sign ups. This extension really allows us to set up sign ups like we need them.
Volunteer Sign Up Sheets is an indispensable tool, and the Custom Fields plugin makes it that much better. Custom fields can be given fixed values or used to collect information from volunteers. They can be displayed on the front end, back end and sign up form, as needed. In other words, this is as flexible as the Sign Up Sheets plugin itself.
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