WooCommerce Wholesale Ordering and User Role Pricing bundle

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WooCommerce Wholesale Ordering + User Role Pricing bundle

Save when you purchase both together!

WooCommerce Wholesale Ordering and WooCommerce User Role Pricing were made for each other!

Try before you buy on your own personal demo site.

PLEASE NOTE! If you already own one of the plugins in this bundle, you can upgrade for the difference between the current purchase price of the single plugin and the bundle price. This works for both 1 site and 3 site licenses.

To upgrade, please login to your account on my site. Then, click on Purchase History & Licenses in the upper right corner. Then, click on the View Licenses link for your order, which will take you to the license page for your Wholesale Ordering purchase. You will then see a new View Upgrades link which you can click on to see your upgrade options and prorated pricing.

WooCommerce User Role Pricing lets you create custom prices fields for your products and then create pricing rules for roles and even individual users. Select a base price to use for each role or user, and then specify a price multiplier. Prices for each role or user are calculated by multiplying the select base price by the price multiplier. Custom prices can be set to be entered including or excluding tax. For each role or individual user you can also define if they are tax exempt, if shipping should be calculated, if they should have a billing account (with custom label that you define), and whether they should be treated as a wholesale customer (when WooCommerce Wholesale Ordering is active). You can even create your own custom roles. As many custom prices and custom roles as you need!

WooCommerce Wholesale Ordering allows you to sell the same products to both retail and wholesale customers, by setting up a separate wholesale price for each product, along with a Wholesale Customer role. In addition, there are completely different tax settings and tax classes for wholesale and retail customers, plus custom wholesale messages for the shop, cart and checkout page, and custom price prefixes and suffixes. You can even define separate wholesale tax classes on a product basis. Create “Wholesale Only” products that only wholesale customers can see, as well as hide products without wholesale prices from wholesale customers (a sort of “retail only” product). You can also define wholesale only categories and retail only categories.

WooCommerce Wholesale Ordering and WooCommerce User Role Pricing used together allows you to specify which users and roles should be treated as wholesale or retail, allowing you to have multiple levels of wholesale and retail customers, each with their own custom pricing and options. You can specify a role, or individual users, to be treated as wholesale, but assign them their own unique base price and price multiplier. Also, the Wholesale Price created by WooCommerce Wholesale Ordering becomes a base price option that can be used by other users as well (they don’t have to be set to be treated as wholesale users to use the price). Tax/VAT status and shipping can be controlled based on default wholesale or retail settings, or can be overridden by setting the options directly in the User Role Pricing plugin settings.

If you create a custom price field, but don’t enter a value for that custom price for all products, you can define what happens for products that don’t have that price when it is the base price for the current user. Those products can either be hidden, or you can show a simple message in place of the price, or you can “revert” to the retail or wholesale price (depending on if the role/user is set to be treated as wholesale or retail).


Average rating: 4.75 out of 5 stars
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  • Excellent

    The plugin in combination with custom made part proved the solution for us. Stephen’s support and service is beyond imagination. Couldn’t ask for more and for every challenge he finds a solutions!

  • Solid, full featured plugins

    The plug-ins work as advertised and there are lots of tweaks and settings to suit the client’s needed.

  • Really helpful

    Have used this Woocommerce plugin for a year now. Works brilliantly and Stephen gave me assistance immediately I required it. Thanks from Gloucestershire, UK

  • great support

    Selling to B2C and B2B I am using Woocommerce User Role Pricing & Wholesale Ordering. Perfect solution and perfect service. Thank you Stephen for your great support answering my questions within hours!
    Kind regards fom Munich, Germany
    – Martin –

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