This is an extension for the PTA Member Directory & Contact Form plugin.
It REQUIRES version 1.6.8 or later of the PTA Member Directory & Contact Form plugin.
This extension loads the jQuery dataTables script and applies it to the PTA Member Directory Table. This allows you to have a much more user friendly directory, especially if you have a large number of members in the directory. It will paginate the results, allow sorting by columns, has live search filtering, and can be themed in many different styles.
You can also set it to make the directory table responsive, and it will attempt to resize with the size of the viewing device. For devices smaller than a desktop display (1024 pixels), it will fold some columns into another row below each member row, adding a button to expand/collapse the hidden row.
There is a setting to allow you to choose from one of 24 jQuery UI CSS themes, which mostly determines the table headers and table controls appearance. A custom CSS field is also added to the options to allow you to further style the directory table to match your needs. It includes some starter CSS styles by default that aren’t covered in the jQuery UI themes, such as the group row (for grouped position display), and background colors for odd/even rows.
Version 1.1 adds a text settings page that allows you to customize or translate the text that is output by the jQuery dataTables script (such as the label for the search field, results text, etc.).
This plugin is fully tested and compatible with the latest version of PTA Member Directory Custom Fields, PTA Member Directory Descriptions, PTA Member Directory Gravity Forms, and PTA Member Directory Customizer. Some of these extensions were updated to include compatibility functions, so please make sure your plugins are all up to date!
There is a built-in help section to further explain the settings (click on the drop down help tab in upper right hand corner of your screen when you are on any of the Member Directory admin pages).
Screen Shots
The PTA Members Directory is an excellent solution for our club’s directory. Stephen has been very supportive in helping me to resolve the issue of hiding columns in the DataTable display. The secure and private email contact form is an essential component to this great plugin. This single feature makes it better than any other solution I could find. Thank you Stephen.
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