This essential volunteer sign up sheets bundle includes the original bundle extensions, along with the Custom Fields Extension.
The license is just $79.99 for the first year, and then $39.99 for each year after that, for a single site license (which allows 2 activations so you can also use on a staging site). Lock in your price now, and it will remain in effect as long as you keep your subscription active, even if I raise the price in the future.
- Volunteer Sign Up Sheets Calendar Display
- Volunteer Sign Up Sheet Groups
- Volunteer Sign Up Sheets Customizer
- Volunteer Sign Up Sheets Custom Fields
Calendar Display
Flexible Calendar view display for your volunteer sign up sheets. Create multiple volunteer calendars with different view settings. Sign-up directly from the volunteer calendar, or link back to the main task list. Show as much or as little info on the calendars as you want.
The Customizer allows you to easily modify all public side text, and also gives you much more control over your sheet and tasks/signups list tables. You can create your own custom styling without having to mess around with CSS directly. You can also create your own custom layout templates where you can choose the columns that will appear, in the order that you want them to appear (and change the headers), as well as choose from 3 different table layouts and whether or not to use DataTables to display the tables. These layout templates can be assigned on a per sheet basis.
Assign your Volunteer Sign Up Sheets to groups or categories, and then display a separate sign-up sheet list for each group/category. Sheets can be assigned to any group, or they can be assigned to “None” or “All” groups. Import BuddyPress groups, or groups from the WP Groups plugin, into your groups list, or create your own groups.
Custom Fields
This plugin lets you set up and define any number of custom fields for the Volunteer Sign Up Sheets plugin. The fields can be used for Sheets, Tasks, or Signup Templates. When used in sheets and/or tasks, those fields can be used by the admin, or signup sheet manager, to add additional info to sheets and/or tasks, that will be shown in the associated tables to the public. When used for Signups, the custom fields will be added to the signup form when a user signs up for a task/item, and that info can be optionally shown in a custom column in the tasks/signup list table.
Functionality in this plugin and cost are both great! Love the ability to copy events, and the email reminder system. Also the ability for events to be public/private. A++
Only 4 stars because the plugin is not the most intuitive – the documentation would really benefit from pics/video, and short, quick how to info for common tasks.
The plugin is awesome. It does everything it’s supposed to, bug-free. I used it to create a dinner club sign-up and could not have done it without a plug-in like this. And I love the fact that Stephen started off volunteering for his PTA and it turned into something really cool he could share with the world.
Stephen has created a very elegant solution that enables end users to easily create sophisticated and flexible signup sheets. His documenttion is comprehensive and he is actively making his products better all the time. Great stuff!
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