Home›Forums›Feature Requests›Volunteer Sign-Up Sheets – Feature Requests›Disable Signup Confirmations or Add Ability to Sign Up For a Month Term›Reply To: Disable Signup Confirmations or Add Ability to Sign Up For a Month Term
I appreciate your quick reply and direction. I see the code, Line 208. I’m trying to learn a little PHP, so… trying to fix this has been a good exercise. (I guess.)
With my limited knowledge, it looks like if I just changed “true” to “false”, in the line:
” $send_email = apply_filters( ‘pta_sus_send_email_check’, true, $signup, $task, $sheet, $reminder, $clear, $reschedule );” ,it would disable all emails. So, I need to figure out how to get “$signup” to return false.
BUT… for now, it is best I leave the code as is and move on
Teaching your buyers how to write code is far beyond the scope of what they paid for. I’m self-employed too. If I had $10 for every unbilled hour so far, I could take a couple of years off.
Thank you again!