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– Is it possible to assign a “minimum” or “at least” amount to a task? (At least 1 person needs to sign up, but additional sign ups are allowed)
I’m not sure what functionality you have in mind here. You can already specify the number you need for each task/item, but they do not all need to be filled. If there was a “minimum”, what would you want to see happen if that minimum is not met? There are no minimums built-in at this time. But, there also is no limit to the # needed that you can specify (and you can increase it if you want even after some people have signed up). If you want “additional signups allowed”, then just specify the max # of signups you think you might get for a task. You can always put some notes in the description for the sheet to let them know that only 1 is required, but more are allowed.
– Is it possible to assign tasks from the admin? For example, if someone offered to help offline and doesn’t need the email reminder, but I still want a name to display and fill the spot.
Not from the admin page itself, but there is an option you can enable that allows admin users the ability to do a live search on the name fields and sign-up other users from the front end. It will search either the WordPress Users table (if your volunteers have WP User accounts), or the sign-ups table (searches names of previous sign-ups), or both. When you select another user on the sign-up form while you are admin, that signup is assigned to that WordPress User (if using user accounts). Either way, a sign-up confirmation will be sent to the email associated with the selected person (and they will get reminders also if those are enabled).
Also, there is documentation here if you missed it:
If there is a feature you need that isn’t currently covered, you can add it to the feature request section of this forum, or you can contact me privately to discuss custom development or potential subsidized development ( https://stephensherrardplugins.com/services/subsidized-development/ ).