Reply To: More Features or reworked "Pro" Version?

Stephen Sherrard

Regarding text notifications, I believe somebody asked me about this previously. First, there is no way to send a text message directly from WordPress. That would need to be done through some third party system (another site that has that backend infrastructure setup), which you would most likely need to subscribe to and pay for. Since there are several such services available, all with their own custom API, it would be a lot of work to support them all. Yes, it could be done, but it not natively from your site via your hosting company’s server. It has to connect to one of those services to send the text.

At this point, there does not seem to be enough interest in a pro version to support the amount of time I would need to put into its development, let alone all the time it would take to code custom interfaces for all the popular text message services. So, it’s not looking good at this point. Perhaps once I get a few other WooCommerce extensions finished up that have been in the works for a while, and if I’m not too busy with custom development projects, I may still take on this project. Based on my schedule this year so far, I don’t see that happening this year.

On the other hand, if someone wanted to pay me to develop an extension for the existing sign up sheets to send reminders/notices via text message through a specific service that they want to use, that is something I would consider since paid custom development projects always take priority.