Reply To: Make Task/Item field in "Edit Tasks" longer

Carl L

I agree. If you are comfortable editing the code, below is my edit to fix this issue. This modification replaces the input line with a textarea and you should be able to drag the corner to change the size. Be aware that this does not change the database field size.

The intention of this edit is to provide a larger box for the form manager to compose the
prompt for the box where details are to be entered during signup.
Modify form pta-volunteer-sign-up-sheets/classes/class-pta_sus_admin.php
in the function display_tasks_form
search for: Details label
(about 80% through file)
On the next line, replace:
ver 2.2.0
echo ‘<span class=”pta_toggle”><br />’.__(‘Details text:’,’pta_volunteer_sus’).’ <input type=”text” class=”details_text” name=”task_details_text[‘.$i.’]” id=”task_details_text[‘.$i.’]” value=”‘.((isset($f[‘task_details_text’][$i]) ? esc_attr($f[‘task_details_text’][$i]) : __(“Item you are bringing”, “pta_volunteer_sus” ) )).'” size=”25″></span>’;

echo ‘<span class=”pta_toggle”><br />’.__(‘Details text:’,’pta_volunteer_sus’).’ <textarea class=”details_text” name=”task_details_text[‘.$i.’]” id=”task_details_text[‘.$i.’]” rows=”2″ cols=”50″>’.((isset($f[‘task_details_text’][$i]) ? esc_attr($f[‘task_details_text’][$i]) : __(“Item you are bringing”, “pta_volunteer_sus” ) )).'</textarea></span>’;