Reply To: Woocommerce Wholesale Plugin Questions

HomeForumsPre-Sales QuestionsWoocommerce Wholesale Plugin QuestionsReply To: Woocommerce Wholesale Plugin Questions

Tom Mason


Sorry to jump on this thread but it is extremely similar to my dilemma in purchasing.
I thought about just giving each wholesale customer their own discount code of sorts, but don’t want them to have to rely on/remember it.

I have several wholesale customers, several with different price breaks due to their unique situations and volume. I wish there was a way to create more customer types; wholesale1, wholesale2, wholesale3, etc. With their own preset discount off ($ or %) of the “wholesale price” or even the retail price set on each product.

This is by far the closest plugin I have found for my needs, but just missing that one thing…

We may need to hire you as well, unless we could team up with the original poster for the project if it isn’t too late…
