Reply To: This plugin is for WordPress 3.9 or later!

HomeForumsPTA ShortcodesThis plugin is for WordPress 3.9 or later!Reply To: This plugin is for WordPress 3.9 or later!

Stephen Sherrard

Once you install and activate the plugin, when you go to the visual editor for a page or post, you will see “PTA” with a drop down arrow next to it in the top row of text formatting icons. Just click on that and a list will drop down with the 4 types of shortcodes that can be generated with that plugin (for a couple of my plugins). When you select one, a dialog box will pop-up for you to enter any arguments. Most of the time you will just leave them blank if you want the default display. When you click OK, the appropriate shortcode will automatically be pasted into your editor window at the current cursor location.