Reply To: Feature Request – Export a specific List

Stephen Sherrard


That is not currently possible. I’m currently using the datatables jQuery plugin for the viewing of data on the admin side, and it has all the export functionality built into it, so the exporting is not something I coded in PHP and could trigger with a link. It’s part of a javascript/jquery library:

If you want me to code something custom for you, I could certainly do it. My rate for custom programming is $100 per hour. You can contact me privately through the contact form if you are interested. I think this is a very specific need that probably nobody else would be interested in, so not something I would put into the free plugin. Also, could possibly violate privacy of your volunteers if other people can figure out the link to trigger the data export and get a list of names and emails for spamming, etc. You would definitely want to protect a function like that by requiring the person to be logged in to an authorized account for that function.