Reply To: Prevent page reload

Matt Stern

Thanks a lot for your help – it has really guided me in the right direction to solve my issue. I believe I solved my issue by doing the following –

I moved all of my forms onto another page – not separate pages though, one single page.

I now have the following ajax/jquery code running that handles showing the correct form when it is selected:

var ahref1;
  $(document).on('click', '.entry-content li a', function(e){
    ahref1 = $(this).attr('href');
    $('#formloader').load('/testpage ' + ahref1);
    return false;
  $(document).on('click', '.entry-content #formloader a', function(e){
    var ahref2 = $(this).attr('href');
    $('#formloader').load(ahref2 + ' ' + ahref1);
    return false;

This seems to work exactly as intended – once again, thank you for your time!