Please use the most appropriate of the sub-forums to submit feature requests.
Feature Request Policies
The purpose of these feature requests forums is to have one location for new feature requests that is separate from support issues. Too many people were using the support forums at the web site as a place to request new features. That forum should be for support issues only.
There are NO PROMISES or guarantees that I will add any of these features!
If you have seen the support forums for my plugins at, or if you have ever contacted me privately for a support issue, then you will know that I’m very quick to respond and always do my best to fix any issues with my work as quickly as possible. Feature requests, however, are in a different category, and there is simply no way that I can please every one and add every requested feature. If I tried to do that, the plugins would quickly become very complicated with an overwhelming amount of options, and would most likely get bloated to the point where they would slow your site down.
PAID WORK and paid plugins will always take priority!
Feature requests for paid plugins will also take priority over feature requests for the free plugins, especially if the person making the request has already purchased the paid plugin!
If there is a feature you absolutely have to have, then feel free to contact me to discuss what you need and what it might cost to program a custom solution for you.