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Hi Lynn,
Sorry for the delay in responding… the forum is not sending me emails for some reason when a new post is made.
As far as your question, the short answer is “no”. There is nothing that allows members to edit their own info. That plugin started out as a very simple member directory listing, designed for our PTA manager to quickly add/update all members and positions. The “members” in my plugin are actually a custom post type and are NOT tied to any WordPress user accounts. You could give any user the right capabilities to edit those, but then they would be able to edit ALL members.
You may be able to find some other plugin at WordPress.org that lets you edit/assign the “author” of each post, and then set each member’s author to the corresponding user, and try to set permissions so that they can edit their own member post. But, I can’t guarantee that would work.
A while back I started working on an extension to tie together user accounts with the member directory and to allow users to submit and edit their own directory listings (along with a setting to let the admin approve listings before they appear in the directory). But, since these PTA plugins are not very popular, and I rarely sell any extensions for them, that got put on the shelf when I got busy with several large paying development jobs. I may dig that up and finish it some day, but it’s not high on my priority list.