Reply To: Complete list of signups

Stephen Sherrard

The CSV link only works on the admin side. As I replied to your post on the support forum, the admin side of things and public side of things in WordPress are separate and those pages are generated in different ways.

If you are going to give the camp directors URLs and Passwords anyway, then just set them up with the role “Sign up Sheet Manager”, and give them the URL to the admin dashboard and take a few minutes to show them how to click the CSV export button.

Otherwise, if you absolutely need some way for them to view all the sign-up info on the public side, on some password protected page, and you have the budget for some custom development work, feel free to contact me privately to discuss. Otherwise, this is the proper place to post feature requests (with the many others, not counting all the requests via direct email), and it’s where I go for ideas on new features on those rare occasions where I have the time to add something new to the core plugin.