Can the Admin add offline signups though the back end

HomeForumsPre-Sales QuestionsCan the Admin add offline signups though the back end

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    • #21145
      David Sitver

      I have installed PTA signup and purchased the group addon and both are working great for my site. (we are actually using it to sign up for committee events for my yacht club.) We have a diverse population in our organization and not every one is tech savey so I often get volunteer signing up though email. Is there away i can assign spots to this individuals as the admin.

    • #21153
      Stephen Sherrard

      Not from the back end, but you can enable the Live Search feature, and, when logged in as Admin, you can sign up individuals from the front end.

      See the documentation here:

      Enable Sign-up form live search? — If you check this box, admin users can use the public side to sign-up other volunteers for tasks. Start typing in a first or last name on the sign-up form, and matching users/volunteers will show in a drop down list you can select to automatically fill the fields. When you submit the sign-up, that sign-up gets assigned to that user (if they have a user account on your site) instead of to your admin account.

      Live Search Tables — Select which tables to search for the above live search field. You can select WordPress Users, or the Sign-Ups table, or both.

    • #21155
      Stephen Sherrard

      Also, closing this because this is the pre-sales forum, and this is not a pre-sales question. Support forum for the free plugins are on the pages for those plugins:

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