Woocommerce Pre-Order Messages
Add customizable Pre-Order messages to Woocommerce. Separate custom pre-order messages for shop/category, product, and checkout pages, plus custom text appended to pre-order item titles for cart, checkout, and order screens.
Volunteer Sign Up Sheet Groups
Create Groups, or Categories, for your PTA Volunteer Sign-up Sheets. Show different Volunteer lists for each group, and also create sheets that will appear in all groups or no groups.
PTA Member Directory Descriptions
Displays descriptions for PTA Member Directory Positions either in a new directory column, or as tooltip icon that triggers a pop-up dialog box with the description.
PTA Shortcodes
Adds a PTA shortcode generator to the Wordpress 3.9 page/post visual editor. Easily insert shortcodes for the PTA plugins, including any accepted arguments.
PTA Member Directory Gravity Forms
Integrate the powerful Gravity Forms with the PTA Member Directory plugin.
PTA Member Directory Custom Fields
Create your own custom fields for the PTA Member Directory plugin.
PTA Member Directory Customizer
Easily customize the text output for the PTA Member Directory & Contact Form