Multiple Calendars?

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    • #34066
      Kait Ripley

      One of the features listed is the ability to “Create as many calendars as you need, or use 1 calendar for everything.”

      I’d like to create multiple calendars but everything still keeps showing up on one calendar. What am I doing wrong?

      This is what I’m doing:
      1. Creating a separate sign up sheet.
      2. Creating a separate calendar.
      3. Associating the separate sign up sheet with the separate calendar.
      4. Both sign up sheets are showing up on one calendar.
      5. ???

      Do I have to buy multiple licenses? I am using them all for our one website. Please help, thank you!

    • #34068
      Stephen Sherrard

      Sorry you are having problems.

      No, you don’t need more than 1 license.

      Please see the Calendar Extension documentation here:

      The first setting under Add/Edit Calendar is explained as:

      The Calendar Settings meta box is where you define all the options for this specific calendar. Options are described below:

      Show which sheets? – This is a multi-select box that allows you to choose one or more specific signup sheets to show on the calendar. The default setting is “All”, which will show all active sheets.

      It’s in the Calendar settings for each Calendar where you define which sheets should be shown on that calendar. The default is “All”. So, if you have not selected specific sheets for a calendar withing the calendar post editor, it will show all sheets.

      NOTE: this is a different setting than the calendar select box you see on the add/edit sheet page. That is explained near the end of the calendar documentation:

      Main plugin additional Sheet options

      View with Calendar: This new field for the add/edit sheet page in the main plugin allows you to select a specific calendar to view the sheet with. What that does is modify the “View & Signup” link in the main list of sign-up sheets (main plugin) so that when you click on it, that specific sheet will be opened in the calendar of your choice. By default the “No Calendar View” will be selected, which shows the sheet using the regular plugin view.

      In other words, that just links the View & Signup link to the calendar you choose there (if you are displaying the main sign up sheets list on a page somewhere). This setting does NOT limit the sheets that are shown on the calendar, that is the first setting in the calendar post editor for each calendar.

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