Forum Replies Created
Stephen SherrardKeymaster
The problem remains, where do you specify the empty row, and how do you specify after what entry that row should appear? Again, the custom fields extension adds columns (not rows), and even the Customizer extension only allows you to specify which columns are shown. The plugin has no way of knowing which signups should be shown together with a separator after them.
If it was some kind of fixed setting, such as insert an empty row after every third row, then that could possibly be done. However, you can do that right now with custom CSS that targets your tables. Look up some standard CSS for tables and lists and how to use the ‘nth’ type operator, or the ‘even’ or ‘odd’ operators, to specify how to change the styling for some of the rows (as long as they fall into a repeating pattern such as even, odd, or every ‘nth’ row). I think some custom CSS is probably your best bet right now if there is a pattern to where you want some kind of styling to separate entries. If there is no pattern, however, then it pretty much becomes impossible unless we do some major code changes to somehow allow people to specify which signups belong together as they are signing up.
Stephen SherrardKeymasterThanks for the suggestion. I agree that something like that would be nice. However…
The problem with your suggestion is that custom fields are additional columns in the table displays, and are NOT something that are output in between rows. There is currently no way for you to specify any type of field to appear between rows of volunteers.
This is much more complex than simply allowing a field where you could insert html.
Stephen SherrardKeymasterThis content is restricted to buyers of:
Stephen SherrardKeymasterThis content is restricted to buyers of:
Stephen SherrardKeymasterHi Vicki,
That date is the date the plugin was originally published, not the last update date. It’s still a relatively new extension, but I have updated it twice since its release, and it’s working just fine with the latest versions of WordPress and PHP 8.2.10.
Note that the plugin itself does NOT do the actual sending of emails. Just like the main plugin, this plugin uses the WordPress wp_mail function to actually send the emails. If you are using a plugin that replaces the wp_mail function to connect with a better email SMTP service (highly recommended), then it should still work fine as long as that plugin uses the same parameters and header formats that the wp_mail function uses. I haven’t test specifically with Brevo, but if it’s working fine with the free volunteer sign up sheets plugin, then it should work just fine with this extension.
Stephen SherrardKeymasterThis content is restricted to buyers of:
Stephen SherrardKeymasterThis content is restricted to buyers of:
Stephen SherrardKeymasterI pushed out a couple of updates, and included a check for this rare situation, along with a more appropriate error message so as to avoid confusion. Also, if they are looking at the task list and someone else signs up and takes the last spot for a task before they click on the signup list, it will now show the new error message (for all spots filled) and not even show the signup form. But, if they do make it to the signup form and someone manages to take the last spot before they submit the signup form, they will get the same all spots filled error message and the form will not show again (they can then click on the link to take them back to the sheet or tasks).
Stephen SherrardKeymasterI will look into this.
However, I find it very unlikely that multiple people are trying to sign up for the same spot at the exact same time.
You may want to investigate any caching plugins you have active on your site, and make sure that caching is DISABLED for the pages with the volunteer sheets. I think there may be a chance that the page is getting cached with the info showing spots still open, even though they have been filled already.
Otherwise, how often does this actually happen? The only way I can see it happening is that a bunch of people somehow have the volunteer page open in a tab for a long time, and walk away or come back to it later and then try to sign up without first reloading/refreshing the page.
I can certainly add another check and change the error message that is displayed. However any link they click, such as any of the “back” links, already refreshes the page. But, if you have caching enabled on that page, the info it shows may not be up to date, so make sure you don’t have any caching plugins set to cache that page.
Stephen SherrardKeymasterHi Mark,
There is no “pro” version, but I have the various extension plugins that I sell on this site.
That way you can pick and choose the features you need, or you can save a lot of money by buying one of the bundles if you want features from several of the extensions:
Stephen SherrardKeymasterMark,
You can do that already, but you have to have the options set correctly.
Scroll down in the general options for these settings (copied from the docs page):
Show Expired Tasks? — If you want to save signup info even after the dates have expired, check this box. This ONLY affects the signup lists on the ADMIN side. The public sign up sheets will never show tasks/signups that have expired.
Automatically clear expired signups? — Enables the hourly CRON function that checks for and deletes expired signups from the database. If you want to save your signup data after a task date has passed be sure to uncheck this and then check the above option to be able to view the expired tasks/signups on the admin side. If later on you want to manually delete all your expired signups, use the button on the CRON Functions page. For example, it is useful to clear all signups so that you can alter the dates on a sheet and reuse it for the following school year.
You need to make sure the first one is checked and the second one is NOT checked. Checking the first option above will allow you to view expired sheets & signup info. However, if you had the second box checked, then you are out of luck as it will automatically purge signups from the database once the events have passed.
Stephen SherrardKeymasterThis content is restricted to buyers of:
Stephen SherrardKeymasterThis content is restricted to buyers of:
Stephen SherrardKeymasterThis content is restricted to buyers of:
Stephen SherrardKeymasterThis would probably be better as a custom programming project, where I could code a custom extension that fits your needs exactly.
Otherwise, what I might suggest was that you create a separate “wait list” task for each task/item that you want to have a waitlist for. Put the wait list one right after the main one, and then people can simply sign up to be on the waitlist. Not perfect, since they could sign up for the wait list before the main list is filled (but, maybe that’s a positive, if people don’t necessarily want to do it unless the main list doesn’t get filled).
But, if you wish to discuss a custom developed extension just for you, feel free to contact me privately. Note that my rate for custom programming is $100 per hour.