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Stephen SherrardKeymaster
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February 1, 2017 at 12:07 PM in reply to: Hide "Click on Clear to remove yourself from a signup" when clear signups disabl #14331Stephen SherrardKeymasterIf you want to view this content, you need to buy any product.
February 1, 2017 at 10:19 AM in reply to: group name is missing when using group in shortcode #14326Stephen SherrardKeymasterIf you want to view this content, you need to buy any product.
Stephen SherrardKeymasterHi Lorraine,
I will delete your email address from your post, since this is a public forum and you probably don’t want spambots harvesting your email.
Regarding your question, there are no built-in reports. However, you can export all the sign-up sheet data to a CSV file and then use something Excel to filter and create reports for you. You would just want to make sure that you do NOT have the option set to delete expired sign-ups if you want to retain a history of everything that a person has signed up for. If you have access to PhpMyAdmin, or similar database tool, from your hosting control panel, you could also just export the signups table directly to CSV and sort through that with something like Excel.
Otherwise, at this time there are no time tracking features or detailed volunteer reports built-in. You could always add that to the Feature Requests section.
Stephen SherrardKeymasterThe PTA Member Directory plugin and the PTA Volunteer Sign Up Sheets plugin are two separate plugins. If you want to have volunteer sign ups, you need the PTA Volunteer Sign Up Sheets plugin: for sign up sheets plugin is here: member directory is a simple directory & contact form listing that I created for my son’s school PTA site several years ago. Yes, an admin needs to enter them manually. They are not associated with user accounts. Just a simple way to organize and list the members of your organization and provide a contact form that can be used to contact either individual members or to send an email to all members of a “position”. Documentation is also online here: 30, 2017 at 9:16 AM in reply to: Can Groups Plugin show 2 groups on same page but in separate sections? #14253Stephen SherrardKeymasterIt’s not really designed for that. While you can put two different shortcodes on the same page, one for each group, and it will display those just fine in two sections, the problem arises when you click on the “view and signup” link for any task. At that point, the specific sheet id is added to the URL, and both shortcodes are going to try to display that sheet. However, since that sheet belongs to only one of the two groups, you’ll get a “sheet not found” message for the shortcode output of the other group. You could also use the Customizer extension in this case to change or disable the text for that specific error message, but the error box will still show (would have to use CSS or javascript to hide it).
Since the two shortcodes on a page are not aware of each other and not aware of the content of each other (the way WordPress shortcodes work), the only thing I would be able to do via programming would be to create a new option for the groups plugin to redirect the “view and signup” links (for viewing single sheets) to a different page that has only one generic (default) shortcode on it. Right now there is an option to redirect for the sign-up form itself, but not for viewing an individual sheet. Those view & sign-up links are actually generated by the main plugin (not the Groups plugin), so would have to hook into those links in the main plugin from the groups plugin to alter those links and redirect them to a different page. Not sure if that’s the best solution or not. The other possible, but much more complex, solution would be to use some javascript/jquery to create pop-up sheet details and sign-up forms, similar to what is available on the Calendar view extension. Again, would have to intercept those links, but this time it could be done with jQuery.
You could add either of those to the feature requests section, and it’s something I will certainly consider. Right now, though, your best bet is to have the two groups on their own pages, with just one shortcode per page. You could also still have a main volunteer page that shows all the sheets, and it will have a Groups column (after you install the groups plugin) that shows which groups each sheet belongs to. The main purpose of the Groups plugin was to create a sort of “categories” for the groups, but not to show multiple categories on one page (main volunteer page shows them all). The newest update also integrates with other plugins to allow you to restrict access by certain users based on group membership (using either BuddyPress or the WordPress Groups plugin).
Stephen SherrardKeymasterIf you want to view this content, you need to buy any product.
Stephen SherrardKeymasterThe key difference between “at least 1” and setting a larger number of slots to a task, is that having “at least 1” with one signup means that the task is filled. For example, we need at least one person to sign up for cleaning, but we’d like to allow additional signups if more people can help. If we just have extra slots to sign up, it gives the appearance that the task is not actually filled.
So, you are basically wanting some option that lets you accept more signups for a task/item, even after it is “filled” (initial # of spots assigned have been filled). There is nothing built-in to do that, and this is not a small or simple bit of code to add either. Basically would need to create a new database field in the tasks table to determine if more signups can be allowed after it is filled, plus add the new fields to the admin form, and all the required functions for saving and retrieving that field data. Then somehow have to change how those “filled” spots are displayed to still allow more people to sign-up (and to let them know that they can sign up), and make that different than the filled slots that do not allow additional sign-ups, and somehow do all that without breaking current installations of the plugin.
You could add that in the feature requests section, but probably not something I would add on my own as there are simply far too many feature requests to keep up with for a plugin that doesn’t even come close to paying for the time spent on developing/maintaining it (since mostly volunteer organizations use it, and they never seem to have money to support development or buy add-ons).
I might consider that as a possible subsidized feature. So far, though, this is a very specific request, and not something that anyone else has asked for.
Stephen SherrardKeymaster– Is it possible to assign a “minimum” or “at least” amount to a task? (At least 1 person needs to sign up, but additional sign ups are allowed)
I’m not sure what functionality you have in mind here. You can already specify the number you need for each task/item, but they do not all need to be filled. If there was a “minimum”, what would you want to see happen if that minimum is not met? There are no minimums built-in at this time. But, there also is no limit to the # needed that you can specify (and you can increase it if you want even after some people have signed up). If you want “additional signups allowed”, then just specify the max # of signups you think you might get for a task. You can always put some notes in the description for the sheet to let them know that only 1 is required, but more are allowed.
– Is it possible to assign tasks from the admin? For example, if someone offered to help offline and doesn’t need the email reminder, but I still want a name to display and fill the spot.
Not from the admin page itself, but there is an option you can enable that allows admin users the ability to do a live search on the name fields and sign-up other users from the front end. It will search either the WordPress Users table (if your volunteers have WP User accounts), or the sign-ups table (searches names of previous sign-ups), or both. When you select another user on the sign-up form while you are admin, that signup is assigned to that WordPress User (if using user accounts). Either way, a sign-up confirmation will be sent to the email associated with the selected person (and they will get reminders also if those are enabled).
Also, there is documentation here if you missed it: there is a feature you need that isn’t currently covered, you can add it to the feature request section of this forum, or you can contact me privately to discuss custom development or potential subsidized development ( ).
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Stephen SherrardKeymasterThis content is restricted to buyers of PTA Member Directory Customizer.
Stephen SherrardKeymasterThis content is restricted to buyers of PTA Member Directory Customizer.