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April 19, 2016 at 8:51 AM in reply to: Retail Variable Products Hidden When Pricing Set to Hide #9826Stephen SherrardKeymaster
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April 18, 2016 at 10:03 AM in reply to: Retail Variable Products Hidden When Pricing Set to Hide #9820Stephen SherrardKeymasterThis content is restricted to buyers of:
April 14, 2016 at 3:11 PM in reply to: Retail Variable Products Hidden When Pricing Set to Hide #9777Stephen SherrardKeymasterThis content is restricted to buyers of:
Stephen SherrardKeymasterThis content is restricted to buyers of:
Stephen SherrardKeymasterThis content is restricted to buyers of:
Stephen SherrardKeymasterThis content is restricted to buyers of:
Stephen SherrardKeymasterThe CSV link only works on the admin side. As I replied to your post on the support forum, the admin side of things and public side of things in WordPress are separate and those pages are generated in different ways.
If you are going to give the camp directors URLs and Passwords anyway, then just set them up with the role “Sign up Sheet Manager”, and give them the URL to the admin dashboard and take a few minutes to show them how to click the CSV export button.
Otherwise, if you absolutely need some way for them to view all the sign-up info on the public side, on some password protected page, and you have the budget for some custom development work, feel free to contact me privately to discuss. Otherwise, this is the proper place to post feature requests (with the many others, not counting all the requests via direct email), and it’s where I go for ideas on new features on those rare occasions where I have the time to add something new to the core plugin.
Stephen SherrardKeymasterHi Jan,
The Custom Fields extension could certainly be used to add the product field. The DataTables extension will do live search of all fields, but there is currently nothing included to let you specify a search phrase ahead of time… plus, it will search all the fields that are displayed to try to find matching text. Each column is also sortable, though, so you could quickly sort the results by the “product” field.
Are you wanting it so that the visitor to the site chooses one of those three things to show the directory? Or, are you trying to set up pages that are already pre-filtered for each possible value of those criteria?
Either way, it sounds like you would need a bit of custom programming to do what you are wanting to do. Position and Location are actually stored as “categories” or taxonomies for the “member” custom post type, while everything else is saved as custom postmeta fields. So, the way you would search/filter for position & location are different than how you would do it for any custom fields you would add view the custom fields extension.
If you want to contact me privately, we can go over this in much more detail, and then I can give you an idea of what it might cost to custom program something for you.
Stephen SherrardKeymasterIf you want to view this content, you need to buy any product.
Stephen SherrardKeymasterHappy to accept any contributions, although you may rethink things when you take a look at the current code! =) It’s definitely been hacked together in a not very organized fashion, and is desperately in need of re-factoring and a more object oriented approach. It was my first plugin, and, as stated above, was a plugin from another developer first… I just modified and added to it as needed. At this point, it’s not worth it for me to refactor and organize the code in a better way, as if I took the time to do that, then I might as well re-write the data structure and create a much more flexible/powerful plugin. Just don’t think it would sell enough to make it worth the time since the majority of users are volunteer organizations that don’t want to pay for anything.
Stephen SherrardKeymasterHi Mark,
Although I don’t necessarily agree that each task needs to have a description (if something isn’t obvious from the task title, you can put as much content as you want in the sheet description to explain thing), I do think it would be nice if tasks were their own object that could be pre-defined and then assigned and re-used on as many sheets as possible.
However, right now, these things are certainly very low on my priority list for a couple of reasons:
1. The PTA plugins, including the paid extensions, currently don’t generate any income… certainly not enough to cover the time I put into them. So, my priority goes to things like the WooCommerce plugins that people are willing to pay for.
2. The underlying structure of the Volunteer plugin really needs to be totally redone. It started life as another plugin that I forked into my own thing when I was first getting started and needed something custom for our school PTA web site. However, knowing what I do now, if I had the chance/time, I would totally rewrite the plugin from scratch, breaking apart sheets, tasks, dates, times, into their own classes/objects, with proper interfaces and relations to make everything much more flexible, and to be able to do things like real recurring events with exceptions (like Google Calendar), volunteer time tracking, tasks that can be assigned to any sheet, etc. I’ve had a lot of ideas and have thought about this quite a bit, and may some day totally rewrite and create a more “pro” version (for sale) if the demand continues to increase and I think that I can at least break even on my time.
Of course, the free version of the plugin is open source, so any other developer can contribute, or fork it into their own plugin. I certainly couldn’t afford to pay you to add some features right now, because I don’t make any money from the plugin. But, if you wish to contribute, I have already accepted code contributions from other programmers.
Stephen SherrardKeymasterYes, it won’t show up in any editors created by other plugins… only on WordPress pages/posts.
Stephen SherrardKeymasterIf you want to view this content, you need to buy any product.
Stephen SherrardKeymasterStill working fine here on my development system with latest versions of everything, so it is not an issue with any recent WordPress update.
Most likely a conflict with another plugin that is adding something to, or altering, the Tiny MCE editor. Might have to turn off some plugins one at a time until the PTA one re-appears, to figure out where the conflict is by a process of elimination.
And, stupid question, but are you sure you are in “Visual” mode on the editor? Not “Text” mode, or not using some other visual editor plugin that has its own tab in the editor window?
If you can figure out where the conflict is, I can try installing the same plugin (or theme), to see if I can recreate the issue and look for some kind of compatibility fix.
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