Forum Replies Created
Stephen SherrardKeymaster
No, there is currently not a way to simply do this, so you have posted in the correct spot as this would count as a feature request.
“Simple Enough” compared to what? If you’re a programmer, feel free to code this and send it to me, and I’ll add it, otherwise it goes in here with all the other feature requests.
If you’re a non-programmer, then you simply don’t understand that what seems “simple enough” is anything but simple. Difficult? No, but not simple, as it requires quite a bit of code to go through every task in the task table, and compare against every signup in the signup table, and then figure out which tasks haven’t been completely filled yet, and then find the corresponding sheet from the sheet table in order to get the contacts for that sheet, and then have some kind of email template (which, of course, people will want to edit, so you have to add all those admin settings functions as well), and then put together each email one at a time and send them.
You can also read the following to see why I’m reluctant to continue to add new features (or just simply browse through the many many feature requests to see that there is simply no way to make everyone happy, as many people have their own ideas of what they think should be a feature):
Stephen SherrardKeymasterThis content is restricted to buyers of:
Stephen SherrardKeymasterThis content is restricted to buyers of:
Stephen SherrardKeymasterWithout having admin access to your site, there isn’t much I can do for you other than a couple of other things to look at:
1. Make sure you are using MY plugin – PTA Volunteer Sign Up Sheets plugin and NOT the older Sign Up Sheets plugin from DLS software. They are Not compatible and use different shortcodes.
2. If you are 100% sure you have it all setup correctly, then it most likely is a conflict with some other plugin or theme. Something is breaking something in the background before the shortcode can be processed. You will most likely need to do a process of elimination to figure out what it is. A good place to start would be to look at any type of Visual Page Builder type plugins that try to help you make cool looking pages without knowing anything about html… those are mostly overly bloated tools that often cause issues with other plugins. The plugin is still working just fine on my site with the latest version of WordPress, and there are over 2000 active installations, and nobody else is having this very basic issue. That shortcode drives the whole plugin output on the public side, so, of course, I would have at least that bit working correctly, or would be hearing from thousands of users if I somehow broke it.
Finally, I’m closing this thread for 2 reasons:
1. This is NOT the support forum for the free plugins. Those are on the site, as I have mentioned all over the place in sticky “PLEASE READ” notes on these forums.
2. This is a problem with your site, and not with my plugin. If you want to provide me with admin access and troubleshoot for you to find the issue, then my rate is $75 for up to one hour of work. You can contact me privately through the contact form to set that up. I don’t provide that type of support for free plugins, as it’s clearly not an issue with my plugin.Stephen SherrardKeymasterAre you using the PTA Shortcodes to generate the shortcode on your page? Or did you copy and paste from the docs?
If you copied and pasted, or even if you didn’t, look at your page editor in TEXT mode (NOT visual mode) and make sure the shortcode is not surround by code or pre tags.
Also, it should be obvious, but you need to have the sign-up sheets plugin installed and activated.
Stephen SherrardKeymasterAlso, closing this because this is the pre-sales forum, and this is not a pre-sales question. Support forum for the free plugins are on the pages for those plugins: SherrardKeymasterNot from the back end, but you can enable the Live Search feature, and, when logged in as Admin, you can sign up individuals from the front end.
See the documentation here: Sign-up form live search? — If you check this box, admin users can use the public side to sign-up other volunteers for tasks. Start typing in a first or last name on the sign-up form, and matching users/volunteers will show in a drop down list you can select to automatically fill the fields. When you submit the sign-up, that sign-up gets assigned to that user (if they have a user account on your site) instead of to your admin account.
Live Search Tables — Select which tables to search for the above live search field. You can select WordPress Users, or the Sign-Ups table, or both.
Stephen SherrardKeymasterThis content is restricted to buyers of:
Stephen SherrardKeymasterThanks for the feedback Tina. I don’t charge for the current free version since it started its life as another plugin that I “forked” into my own version 6 or 7 years ago for my son’s school PTA web site.
But, yes, if I ever do have the time and inclination to create a much better version (starting with a better database foundation), then it will certainly be a paid version, and everything will be in one plugin. At this point, though, it doesn’t appear to be worth my time unless I can aggressively market it to enough schools and non-profits that are using WordPress to generate enough sales to at least cover my time investment.
Stephen SherrardKeymasterThis content is restricted to buyers of:
Stephen SherrardKeymasterNo, sorry, but that is not a current feature.
Stephen SherrardKeymasterAt this time there are no add-ons for additional fields or to allow people to select multiple tasks at once.
Please note, though, that if you require your volunteers to have a WordPress user account, and they are logged in when they sign up, then the information will be automatically filled in on the form when they sign up, if that info already exists in their user account. If the info does not exist, then after they sign up for the first task, that info is saved with their user account and will be pre-populated in the fields for any future sign ups.
I have done a couple of very large custom programming jobs for other organizations using the free plugin as the core, and those have included custom fields and lots of other custom functionality. So, if there is something you absolutely need that isn’t already covered by one of the available extensions, you can always contact me privately to discuss programming a custom extension to meet your needs.
Stephen SherrardKeymasterI’m not a CSS expert, and have not used the Divi theme, so can’t really help you directly with regards to that theme.
My plugin actually uses very little CSS to style the tables and other output. Most of the way things are displayed from my plugin is from the default styles of your theme.
My suggestion would be to use the option in my plugin to disable the plugin’s CSS, and then hard code your CSS into your child theme, or wherever Divi lets you put custom CSS.
You can start by copying the relevant CSS from my plugin, which you can find in the assets/css folder. The public side css is the style.css file. You’ll see it’s very small, with the top part styling the tables in a very minimal way, the middle part is mostly for error/success messages, and the bottom part is for styling the divs as tables by default if you have the plugin set to output divs instead of tables.
Copy over the parts you need, and make changes as desired. Most all of the output has custom classes as well, so it should be relatively easy to target just those elements you want to change with some custom CSS. Just inspect the elements in your browser to get the class names for anything you want to change.
Stephen SherrardKeymasterThis content is restricted to buyers of:
Stephen SherrardKeymasterThis content is restricted to buyers of: